We’re a growing team of BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) and Complete Web Solution experts and thought leaders — full of personality minus the ego. We’re the wearer of many hats dedicated to helping companies like yours grow.

Who Are We

Race IT solution BD is a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Web Solution firm that offers a wide array of Complete Web Solution Services worldwide. We provide outstanding quality of service that add value to our customers’ needs. To assist our clients desired business destination we always follow best practices providing a wide range of BPO and Web services.

Our Mission

We are moving forward with a mission to provide cost effective back-end services and outsourcing solutions to your business. Our motive is to minimize overhead cost, save time and escalate efficiency.

What We Do

Our 6-D Process



At first, we will learn your specific operation process and requirement. According to your needs we will discover the barrier to meet the goal and will set all the strategies to solve the problems.



Then our team of diligent experts will define all the discovered items and analyses separately to be aware of their specific task with proper strategies and techniques.



Along with we will configure and create a project design with metrics based scorecards. In one word to say we will define the goals and target for your company. To manage we believe we need to measure first. Execution will on your schedule. Our aim to deliver a standard always work in time.



According to your company’s need, using your company’s new employ manual, we will develop a profile tailored. If not available, we will prepare particular criteria that are matched with your current procedures.



Our professional team will work as a wing of your business. Here our task is to find out the exact people to train up, who will be a perfect match with your company’s need. We are loyal and it’s our responsibility to be modest with your company’s procedures, systems, paper work, reporting etc.



We are ready to provide our high level of accuracy, timely deliveries and confidentiality. We understand that data has to be highly accurate since it will be used to make decisions that have a long-term effect on your business.

Why Choose Us?

You will find us different from other same service giving firms. We listen attentively, share ideas and work in a partnership business with you.

It is starts with listening and try to understand what success you are looking for.

We embedded intelligence, innovation and experience altogether with the new IT and expertness to lead your business value and growth.

Our Focus:

How do I start a project with you?

Glad you asked! We want working with us to be a seamless experience. Contact us, we can help you meet your goals. So fire away and don’t hold back!

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